Spring, oh spring. It's finally here!
Wow, it's supposed to hit the low 70s today! I took Mia out this morning for a walk in her stroller. It's funny how even an 18-month old recognizes the change of seasons. She was so content and happy beging outside with the sun on her face and the breeze blowing (exept when it started blowing a little too much. Then, not so content.). We had a great walk and ended up at Home Depot to buy supplies for the roman shade project I'm doing for Mia's room. Finally, she'll have true black-out shades rather than the (not so) room-darkening ones. I learned last summer, black-out shades are the way to go. And, finally, I took a picture of my shirt. I wore it yesterday with a denim jacket and felt so exited to have something on other than a turtle neck! And, another great part of this shirt is that I made it with things I already had. Simple Sparrow would be proud! Oh, and for those of you interested, the pattern is New Look #6873. I changed it a bit by adding the embroidery and leaving a raw-edged hem with two rows of machine straight stitching and one row of embroidery floss in a running stitch to keep it from fraying too far up.

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