Penny Penelope

Monday, May 08, 2006

May days and memories

Well, I'm back from the weekend (a great weekend, too, by the way) and trying to get back into the swing of things. My creative slump still haunts me a little. I've decided, though, that I just have to get busy and get through it. I did make something last week, but I can't show it to you just yet -- next week, I promise.

With May's arrival, the weather has been consistently nice. Mia and I try to take advantage by getting to Central Park every day. I'm learning that LOTS of time outside and space to run around (something we don't have easily in a NYC apartment) is essential for an 18-month-old. The photo above is from a few days ago. You may recognize the hat. The top I made a few years ago when I was designing childrenswear. Mia fits into a lot of my samples now. It's great to see her in them.

Actually, here's another sample from my line. I don't think you can tell from the photo, but the fabric is pink with little white polka dots. The binding is the same fabric as her hat and the trim on the bottom is solid green (click on the picture for a better view). The center front has a little rose with green leaves. She's wearing a pink onsie underneath, but in the summer she'll wear the dress without it with a green gingham bloomer. I think I'll make several more of these for her this summer. Next time, though, I won't do straps that tie and will add a button to the center back. Have a great week everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

CUTE! I love your baby clothes... makes me wish I had a little girl.

12:10 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Thanks Cathy! I need to get busy making her summer outfits. I've learned she's going to need double what she had last year. An hour after she has something on, it's covered in dirt. so cute though.

10:38 AM  

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