I love my inkjet printer. And my scanner. And my digital camera. And, oh, let's not forget the queen of them all -- the home computer. It's really amazing what we can do now sitting at our desk at home, or at a coffee shop, or the park, or wherever. I grew up around computers. My mom and step dad had a Data General (a what?) computer that was taller than an adult. It used big reels of tape to save data, had a weird green screen, and of course, there was no mouse. Constant use of function keys to do anything. Not to mention the printer. It was huge (almost as big as my NYC kitchen) and loud. And it used paper with the little holes on the edges. And, of course, no color. Wow, a few years later, and I'm printing my own fabric! Amazing.
I bought the paper at
Kate's Paperie to frame and hang in my living room (it's framed, but not hanging yet). I still had a big strip left over and held onto it because it's just so beautiful. I saw
this post yesterday and knew right away the wait was over. Time to scan the paper and print some fabric. I actually tried this years ago and the fabric got jammed in my printer and made a huge mess. I let go of the idea until now. The fabric fed through the (different) print

er well this time, but had some black smudges on the edges. Nothing terrible though. The colors are not as rich as the paper, but considering my printer doesn't use water resistant ink, and I didn't use
bubble jet, I think it turned out well. I can't wash it though. I was making a pincushion with it, but couldn't bring myself to put a button in the middle and cover up that pretty butterfly. I thought about letting Mia play with it, but she'd chew on it and get ink in her mouth. So back to a pincushion -- with no button center.
that's awesome. i'll have to give it a try!
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