Since my life is CONSUMED with selling our apartment right now (forget that we're moving across the country in just over a week), thought I'd share some pictures of our new-and-improved-designed-to-sell abode. How does a family of three, plus all the contents of a former children's wear business live in 875 sq. ft? Actually, fairly nicely. The trick to living in a small space is to only own
what you actually need. That means really questioning whether you
really need that big Kitchen Aide mixer or not (I decided no. I really don't). And every six months or so, we clean out and edit our belongings. If I haven't worn something in over a year, it's outta here. If I don't really love those shoes, gotta go. As much stuff that has come in, must go out. Furniture must also play double duty. Our bed is a storage bed. Meaning the frame is actually full of great big drawers and a cabinet-type space big enough to hold our large suitcases, etc. We also have large floor-to-ceiling wall units to maximize vertical space. I tell ya, using vertical space is so important!
I'll be totally honest here. Before we put our apartment on the market, it didn't exactly look like this. We spent a few month obsessed with HGTV's
Designed to Sell, and took it all very seriously. So, we painted all the walls a neutral non-offending color. Previously the living room and hallway were a mustard yellow (Martha Stewart calls it "Yarrow"). Mia's room was a vivid apple green (loved it!). Our bedroom was a soothing sage green (loved that too). Now it's Parisian taupe (ok, beige). All of it. It was a little shocking at first to live with such neutral walls, but it has really grown on me. I actually think I'll keep the softer, neutral palette for our house in Dallas. Maybe. We also totally de-cluttered. We got rid of big pieces of furniture that cluttered the space. And all those little things we never knew where to put? We either decided it wasn't needed or found a place for it. All of it. It was no easy task, I'll assure you. But, in the end, we were left with a small space that feels larger, airier and much more serene. Just what you're looking for in New York City. Let's hope some buyer out there agrees!