A corner in my home

I love the idea of sharing corners of our homes, so here's my contribution. This is a table across from our (small, very small) kitchen. Underneath the table is a Malber washer/dryer (a washer and dryer all in one unit). Let me tell you, having a washer and dryer in a NYC apartment is a luxury. I'm serious. None of the 60+ apartments we looked at before buying this one had hookups. The apartment we have now doesn't either. So to use the washer, I have to run a hose to the sink. The dryer part of the machine is ventless. Why am I talking about this? Back to the actual photo... I keep my small, but nice collection of cookbooks here. I'd say out of all of those, I use the Joy of Cooking the most. It's definitely my favorite. The platter holding the fruit is from our real estate broker. It was a thank you gift for referring some friends of ours to her (hi Max and Courtney!). It's a Tiffany platter and is beautiful. Funny how Barbara (our broker) was able to pick out something that fits my tastes perfectly. The black bowl at the end of the cookbooks is a piece by our friend Tova Beck-Friedman. It was a gift. She's an amazing scupltor; and I feel lucky to have one of her pieces. The shell I found at Sanibel Island, FL, during our last trip. Isn't it amazing? The framed photos are of logs on my father's land in the Texas Hill Country. And, of course, the best photo up there is my amazing Mia. That was fun. I think I'll do more corners.
Thanks for sharing this corner and telling us about those special treasures. It looks very inviting. I imagine when you live in a small space every piece has to be special. Now I feel really bad about complaining about doing laundry.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
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